Ortho-K Lens Use and Care Guide
This information is intended only for patients of Dr. Rao. If you are not a patient of Dr. Rao, please consult your eye doctor before making any changes to your lens care, and do not take any of the information on this page as medical advice.
Ortho-K Lens Application and Removal Training Video
To set yourself up for an easy and quick in-office training session,
please watch this video prior to your lens dispense appointment, and write down any questions you might have so that I can answer them at your visit.
I recommend practicing this technique at home before getting your lenses. With clean hands, hold your eyelids open as directed in the video, and gently touch the skin of the inside corner of your eye near your nose. Repeat several times until you are comfortable with this technique. Practicing beforehand will make it easier to insert your lenses.
Ortho-K Lens Disinfection and Storage
At your lens dispense appointment, I will tell you which of the following two care systems I want you to use.
Boston Simplus Gas Permeable
Contact Lens Solution
This solution can be used for cleaning and daytime storage, and can be used with a standard plastic contact lens case. Unlike ClearCare, it is safe to put this solution directly onto the lens before applying the lens to your eye - no neutralization time is needed.
ClearCare Hydrogen Peroxide Lens Disinfection System
ClearCare provides superior disinfection and removal of debris and deposits from the lens surface. Please read the directions on the box carefully before using. Scroll down for more information about how to use ClearCare, including a training video.
FAQ: Can I use multipurpose soft contact lens solution for my ortho-K lenses?
Multipurpose soft contact lens solutions such as Biotrue or Opti-Free will not damage your lenses, but rigid lens cleaning systems are superior for the disinfection and conditioning of ortho-K lenses.
If desired, soft lens solutions can be used for rinsing your lenses. Rinsing your lenses is not an essential step, but some of my patients with sensitive eyes find that their lenses are more comfortable when they rinse their lenses before applying them to their eyes. Tap water should never be used to rinse contact lenses, cases, or lens removal tools.
If someone in your house uses soft contact lenses, make sure they know never to use your rigid lens solution on their soft lenses.
Ortho-K Lens Disinfection with ClearCare
For the majority of my ortho-K patients, I recommend the ClearCare Hydrogen Peroxide Care System for lens cleaning and daytime storage. This video will teach you how to properly disinfect your lenses with ClearCare.
Never put ClearCare directly into your eye, or onto the lens prior to applying the lens to your eye. Your lenses must sit in fresh ClearCare solution in the provided case for a minimum of 6 hours before the lenses can be used.
ClearCare must only be used with the included case, never with a standard contact lens case. Every time you get a new bottle of ClearCare, throw out your old case and use the included new case.